What Is This Site All About?
This site was developed as a project in a primary school (aged 9 and 10) science fair. As a father and daughter team we set about answering the following questions :-
- If you dug a tunnel straight down, where would you come out? This location on the other side of the globe is called the 'antipode'.
- The phrase 'as the crow flies' suggests the shortest route between two points, but is this true when the world is a sphere?
- Can we create a tool that can easily show the distance between two locations anywhere in the world, by going through the Earth instead of going over its surface?
How The Maths Works
First we need to simplify the idea of working with a sphere. Imagine lining up the two points on a globe with the centre of the globe and then slicing it in two along that line (much like cutting a water melon in half).
You now have a circle that still has the same radius as the sphere, and the two points are on the edge of the circle.
Maths with circles is a lot simpler than spheres, so without crunching any numbers we now have a simpler equation to solve.
In this example we are going to calculate the tunnel distance between London and New York. Google Maps already provides us with the flying distance between locations. In maths the distance between two points on the circumference of a circle is called the 'arc'. The length of the arc between these two locations is 5567 kilometres (km).
We also know that the 'radius' of the Earth is 6371 km. That is the distance from the centre of the Earth to the surface - obviously the Earth is a lumpy old thing so this value is an average.
We calculate the radian 'X' by dividing the 'arc' by the 'radius'. So in this example X = 5567 ÷ 6371 which give a value of 0.8738.
Next we calculate the radian 'Y' by subtracting 'X' from π (approximately 3.1416) and dividing that value by 2. In this example Y = (3.1416 - 0.8738) ÷ 2 which give a value of 1.1339;
Note 1: As the radius is the same for both sides of the triangle we know we have an isosceles triangle. That is, two of the corners are the same angle. This means 'Y' is the same on both corners. Dividing the value by two gives us the value of each single 'Y' angle.
Note 2: A radian of 1 is equal to 57.296 degrees. And as we know, the sum of all the angles of a triangle equal to 180 degrees. If we add the three radian values together we get 3.1416 (which is π), and if we multiply π by 57.296 we get 180. Cool hay!
The final step is to calculate the distance between two points on the arc. This line is called the 'chord', and is the route our tunnel will take. The equation is completed using the SIN function. This is one of the buttons on your calculator that you never usually use.
Radius × sin(X) ÷ sin(Y). In our example, the tunnel distance is 6371 × sin(0.8738) ÷ sin(1.1339). This gives us the answer of 5392 km.